(850) 222-2747 admin@theoasiscenter.net


The Oasis Center for Women & Girls is a nonprofit organization focused on improving the well-being of women and girls through upholding our missing to “improve the lives of women and girls through celebration and support”. 

Founded in 2007, we are focused on personal, professional, and economic concerns facing women, girls, and their families. We are committed to addressing these issues individually through the provision of direct services and collectively through community dialogue and awareness. Services offered include Women’s Circles, Single Moms Support groups, Girls Circle, Girls for Change, and Girls Can Do Anything! Camp. Our programming is strengths-based, inclusive, accessible, and affordable. Established to fill a gap in gender-centered services, the Oasis Center staff and board strive toward a community where women and girls thrive at every stage of life. 

Thank you for your interest in The Oasis Center!  Find out more about internship and employment opportunities below. We appreciate your interest and encourage you to reach out to admin@theoasiscenter.net with any questions. 

Internships: Thank you for your interest in interning for The Oasis Center! We accept interest forms year-round and review them in February (for Summer interns), May (for Fall interns), and October (for Spring interns). We currently offer direct service and administrative support internships for bachelor and graduate-level students receiving course credit. Please complete the form linked here, and if you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us at 850-222-2747.

If you are interested in interning for The Commission on the Status of Women & Girls, please click HERE!

Camp Counselors – 2 Full Time Positions

Girls Can Do Anything! Camp is designed to help girls 5-14 learn their strengths and build friendships while getting to do some really cool stuff. Do you want experience designing and delivering educational and creative activities? Do you want to practice classroom management and gender-centered strategies? Come work with a unique, empowerment-focused program and make a positive impact on girls this summer! Full-time, 40 hours a week, but schedule will vary. Must be 21 years old and have an excellent drving record.

For a detailed description, please click here!

TO APPLY: Please send a resume to admin@theoasiscenter.net. Please type the name of the position in the subject line. Positions are  available until filled.